5 tips to make keeping clean with toddlers easier

If you missed my story from last week on one of the greatest lessons from a family member, you can read it here. That story is what led me to think about how to make it easier to keep clean with two small monsters -ahem- children running around the house. Here’s my top five tips.

1.     Have a really good organization system. This has been key. We have a set of drawers for craft materials, and a bucket for toys. We also have one of those cube bookshelves from Ikea in her room, and the cubes each have a category (train stuff, duplos, stuffed animals, etc). If it’s too big (e.g.: a rocking horse, a giant stuffed narwhal, a scooter) that’s ok, it can sit by itself. Another option: our friends have a dedicated toy room, which is like a very large closet with windows, and everything goes in there so the rest of the house always looks neat. Whatever works for you, set it up and stick with it.

2.     Don’t have more stuff than your house, or system, can handle. If the toys don’t fit in the toy box, or the clothes don’t fit in the drawer, you will NEVER be able to keep things neat. If you have to go Marie Kondo on your house, do it. If you have to tell your in-laws/parents/distant relatives to please stop buying gifts for your children, do it.

3.     Get your kids to help. This is not easy, but it helps. We ask my daughter to help clean up her toys, and to try and put away one thing before moving onto the next. Does it always work? Not a chance! (One of her favorite phrases is “but I’m USING it!!!” even if it’s sat on the floor for an hour and a half). But even the little bits help, and over time we’re teaching something important.

4.     Focus your energy. For me, every night the kitchen HAS to be clean, even if the rest of the house is… well, less than exceptional. If I wake up to a dirty kitchen my day does not start well. So that’s where I put my energy each evening.

5.     Give yourself grace. You know what? Sometimes it’s just not possible. And THAT’S OK. Be good to yourself and give yourself credit because you’re raising children. There will be times when the house is a pigsty and your family gives you judge-y looks and your husband tells you that he really can’t stand it when there’s a pile of mail on the counter and instead of losing your you- know-what, just breathe and say “I’m giving myself grace today.”

Have you tried any of these tips? Or, tried something not on this list that worked really well for you? Please share!

Rhiannon MennComment